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Love Level Up

Healthy Relationships
should be fun, not hurting.

How To Break Up… If It’s Over

Level Up: Relationship Knowledge

What are the signs of a Healthy or Unhealthy Relationship?

In an abusive relationship, there tends to be a cycle of violence. Because the cycle is predictable, it is important for you to be aware of what to look for and to be able to recognize the cycle. If you see signs or a pattern in your relationship, it signifies that the relationship is an abusive one.

The LoveLevelUp.org Video of the Month:

Build Your Level UP

Does your relationship level up your life?

A healthy relationship should bring out the best in you. Lets be real, a healthy relationship will never be ‘perfect’ all of the time.

Finding your ‘love’ language can help you build harmony within your relationship. A blend of respect, honesty, open communication and comfort are fundamentals of a healthy, level’d up relationship!

Build Your Level UP

Does your relationship level up your your life?

A healthy relationship should bring out the best in you. Lets be real, a healthy relationship will never be ‘perfect’ all of the time.

Finding your ‘love’ language can help you build harmony within your relationship. A bend of respect, honesty, open communication and comfort are fundamentals of a healthy, level’d up relationship!

Level Up: TDV Knowledge

For many teenagers, the first relationship is an exciting experience, learning to navigate the dating world. However, it’s important to establishing healthy relationships to prevent unsafe situations.

Teen dating violence (TDV) is a national epidemic that effects millions of teenagers in the US. A teen relationship is  classified as violent when it includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological abuse, and/or stalking. TDV can occur face-to-face or virtually, via social media and/or text.

A healthy relationship manifests itself with 7 ‘love’ principals.

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