Because of you, Safe Space has been sharing love, for 20 years with victims who have no where to turn. This past year, more than 600 families have been served by Safe Space’s caring staff and warm services.  Our doors open every single day through the year. Our shelter and crisis hotline operates 24 hours a day 7 days per week. We are committed to doing what we can but we need your help urgently.

Thank you for all you do, and have done, to help us further this life-changing mission. With your donation of $50 or $75, Safe Space can continue to support these forgotten families with what they need most: shelter, housing, clothing, meals, front-line medical and social work support— not just at this time of the year but all year long.

Together, you and all of us here can make this yuletide a bit brighter with love and hope, offering peace and goodwill to all mankind.

For many families this is their favorite time of year, as friends and loved ones gather for a special meal. But what about those who do not have a warm home, a safe environment, the company of family and trusted friends and food to celebrate.

Many of those served by Safe Space are estranged from their families. The impact of domestic violence and sexual assault has taken its toll on them. We have been blessed to come to know them and their stories and learn the true meaning of being a good neighbor and with your help we can demonstrate that to them.
We hope you will be generous once again and match or exceed your donation.  Your gift enables us to bring cheer to families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault who otherwise have little to share and no one to spend the holidays with.
Your gift to share hope this holiday season will change a life.

May you and your loved ones share a warm and wonderful holiday season!

Please Donate to Safe Space Today

Thank You!

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