Love Level Up Learning Center
We offer a wide range of free relationship resources, including the individual &/or group classes listed below. Let’s get better through knowledge!
Build Your Level Up
Does your relationship level up your life?
A healthy relationship should bring out the best in you. Lets be real, a healthy relationship will never be ‘perfect’ all of the time.
However, finding your ‘love’ language can help you build harmony within your relationship. A blend of respect, honesty, open communication and comfort are fundamentals of all healthy, level’d up relationships!
9 Weeks - 15 -19 y/oA 9-week program for ages 15-19 and/or 9th-12th an evidence-based adolescent dating abuse prevention program. Highly engaging and interactive, Safe Dates helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive dating relationships.
5 Weeks - 9 -15 y/oA 4 or 5-week program for ages 11-15 and/or 6th grade – 8th grade, an evidenced-based, multi – level prevention program on sexual harassment and precursors to dating violence. It works to prevent sexual harassment and dating violence in middle schools by raising awareness about gender-based violence and promoting healthy relationship norms.
Coaching Boys Into Men
10 Weeks - 14 - 18 y/oAthletic coaches play an extremely influential and unique role in the lives of young men. Because of these relationships, coaches are poised to positively influence how young men think and behave, both on and off the field. Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) is the only evidence-based prevention program that trains and motivates high school coaches to teach their young male athletes healthy relationship skills and that violence never equals strength.
2 Hours - AdultsTwo-hour training that empowers adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse through awareness, education, and stigma reduction. Two-hour training. This training is conducted by our certified Darkness to Light trainer and can be offered to school personnel as well as parents.
9 Weeks - 15 -19 y/oA 9-week program for ages 15-19 and/or 9th-12th an evidence-based adolescent dating abuse prevention program. Highly engaging and interactive, Safe Dates helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive dating relationships.
5 Weeks - 9 -15 y/oA 4 or 5-week program for ages 11-15 and/or 6th grade – 8th grade, an evidenced-based, multi – level prevention program on sexual harassment and precursors to dating violence. It works to prevent sexual harassment and dating violence in middle schools by raising awareness about gender-based violence and promoting healthy relationship norms.
Coaching Boys Into Men
10 Weeks - 14 - 18 y/oAthletic coaches play an extremely influential and unique role in the lives of young men. Because of these relationships, coaches are poised to positively influence how young men think and behave, both on and off the field. Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) is the only evidence-based prevention program that trains and motivates high school coaches to teach their young male athletes healthy relationship skills and that violence never equals strength.
2 Hours - AdultsTwo-hour training that empowers adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse through awareness, education, and stigma reduction. Two-hour training. This training is conducted by our certified Darkness to Light trainer and can be offered to school personnel as well as parents.
We are all born with the ability to love. The first step toward having a healthy relationship is to first love yourself and to feel secure within your own self.
Self Security
Having a sense of self-security is essential to life long happiness. Be certain in your decisions, and stay true to who you are.
You deserve unconditional happiness and love, especially within yourself.
It takes ‘teamwork’ to make the ‘dream work’. Together we can explore topics such as self security, healthy relationships, and so much more with our workshop classes. Sign up below for updates about our next session.