Love Status Ready to find out your Relationship Status ? Click the Next Button to Start 1. Is your partner supportive and encouraging about the things that you do? Yes No None 2. Do you and your partner encourage each other to venture out, and try new things? Yes No None 3. Can you and your partner have healthy and honest conversations about the things on your mind? Yes No None 4. Does your partner understand that you have your own life? Yes No None 5. Do your friends, and family like your partner? Yes No None 6. Has your partner ever texted or called you so much you felt uncomfortable? Yes No None 7. Does your partner get extremely possessive of you? Yes No None 8. Have you been accused of flirting or cheating, more than once? Yes No None 9. Does your partner constantly check in on you, or make you check in with them? Yes No None 10. Does your partner make demands about what you wear, or how you look? Yes No None 11. Does you partner try to control where you go, or who you talk too? Yes No None 12. Does your partner frequently experience major mood swings, like being very angry one minute and apologetic the next? Yes No None 13. Has your partner ever belittled you? Or blamed you for problems? Yes No None 14. Has your partner ever harmed or threatened to harm you, your loved ones, or themselves? Yes No None 15. Has your partner ever pressured you, or forced you into sexual situations that made you feel uncomfortable? Yes No None Time's up By DaveC|2021-04-21T21:08:49+00:0004/21/2021| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail