February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Teen Dating Violence is a national epidemic that effects millions of teens in the United States.
Participate with us:
Mon Feb 6th – Fri Feb 10th
Be About It!

Monday, 2/6 – Respect Announcement
Your action for today: tell one person how they can navigate a healthy relationship with no labels or societal stigmas. #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace

Tuesday, 2/7 – Respect This: Wear Orange Day
Today is #wearorangeday! Every #tdvam we wear orange to show solidarity & raise awareness about dating violence. Share your selfie in your orange with us today using #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace

Wednesday, 2/8 – Respect Your Worth
Respect is an essential part of any healthy relationship. Everyone benefits when you seek ways to empower and respect one another. Educate others on how worthy you are. #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace

Thursday, 2/9 – Create Respect
Journaling, meditating, creating art, or listening to music are all great options to spend time with your thoughts and feelings. Today: create & share art that expresses what respect, love, & kindness look like to you. Be sure to tag @loveisrespect! #beaboutit #tdvam #lovelevelup #safespace

Friday, 2/10 – Respect Self-Care
Reminder: there is no wrong way to practice self-care! Whether you like to take walks, or pet your dog, or do a little dance, you’re loving and respecting yourself. What’s your favorite way to practice self-care? #beaboutit #tdvam #lovelevelup #safespac

Monday, 2/6 – Respect Announcement
Your action for today: tell one person how they can navigate a healthy relationship with no labels or societal stigmas. #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace

Tuesday, 2/7 – Respect This: Wear Orange Day
Today is #wearorangeday! Every #tdvam we wear orange to show solidarity & raise awareness about dating violence. Share your selfie in your orange with us today using #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace

Wednesday, 2/8 – Respect Your Worth
Respect is an essential part of any healthy relationship. Everyone benefits when you seek ways to empower and respect one another. Educate others on how worthy you are. #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace

Thursday, 2/9 – Create Respect
Journaling, meditating, creating art, or listening to music are all great options to spend time with your thoughts and feelings. Today: create & share art that expresses what respect, love, & kindness look like to you. Be sure to tag @loveisrespect! #beaboutit #tdvam #lovelevelup #safespace

Friday, 2/10 – Respect Self-Care
Reminder: there is no wrong way to practice self-care! Whether you like to take walks, or pet your dog, or do a little dance, you’re loving and respecting yourself. What’s your favorite way to practice self-care? #beaboutit #tdvam #lovelevelup #safespac

Monday, 2/6 – Respect Announcement
Your action for today: tell one person how they can navigate a healthy relationship with no labels or societal stigmas. #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace

Tuesday, 2/7 – Respect This: Wear Orange Day
Today is #wearorangeday! Every #tdvam we wear orange to show solidarity & raise awareness about dating violence. Share your selfie in your orange with us today using #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace

Wednesday, 2/8 – Respect Your Worth
Respect is an essential part of any healthy relationship. Everyone benefits when you seek ways to empower and respect one another. Educate others on how worthy you are. #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace

Thursday, 2/9 – Create Respect
Journaling, meditating, creating art, or listening to music are all great options to spend time with your thoughts and feelings. Today: create & share art that expresses what respect, love, & kindness look like to you. Be sure to tag @loveisrespect! #beaboutit #tdvam #lovelevelup #safespace

Friday, 2/10 – Respect Self-Care
Reminder: there is no wrong way to practice self-care! Whether you like to take walks, or pet your dog, or do a little dance, you’re loving and respecting yourself. What’s your favorite way to practice self-care? #beaboutit #tdvam #lovelevelup #safespac
Don’t forget to tag us: #beaboutit #tdvam23 #lovelevelup #safespace