Breaking Up
the Final Level
Your Personal Guide to Ending a Relationship

Ask Yourself
Am I ready to break up?
1. Know Your Reason
Know why you want to break up. And how to explain it. Write it Out!
2. Decide How
Decide how you would like to communicate it to the other person. Practice Practice Practice.
3. Pick Your Spot
Set a good time when you can talk. Keep Your Safety in Mind! Let someone you trust know the what, when and where.
4. Keep it a Secret.
A break up can be difficult. Keep it to yourself until you are able to discuss it with the other person.

Make Clear Statements
Start Nice?
It can be helpfull to start nice and stay positive.
Be Firm and Direct
You can be positive and still communicate that your decision is Final.
You Decided
Saying "I've decided that I need to step away from this relationship." > "I think we should break up?"
You Really Decided
If you want to provide your reasons, go ahead. But don't feel like you need to defend your decision.

Your Feelings
arrow_rightYou may feel sad... even though you wanted to break up.
arrow_rightThat's ok! It doesn't mean you made the wrong decision.
arrow_rightYou may need time to process the break up.
arrow_rightTalking to a trusted friend is always helpful.

Let's Review
Make Sure You Want to Break Up.
Plan Out What You Will Say.
Pick a Time and Place. Keep Your Safety in Mind.
It's Ok if you feel Sad After it's Over. It's normal!
You Deserve to be with the Right Person! But going solo is better than being with the wrong person!